Sunday, December 30, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Reap what you Sow!
Well Pooka family, it’s definitely a time of reflection as we ready ourselves to close out 2012. When I found out about the @blackenterprise cover early in the year I began claiming all year long that I was In my “season”. I used my positive affirmations and stated every day that, “This is my season!” and I truly believe it was and still is. I’ve always heard people say you reap what you sow. I’ve always looked at the negative, meaning that If you do bad, you get bad. But this year I thought of it from the positive side. 2 Corinthians 9:6 says, “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.”
After 12 years in business I’ve realized that we have been sowing seeds all through our journey. By connecting with great people, exploring new opportunities, considering different viewpoints, acquiring knowledge, growing, changing, sharing and in many other ways, we’ve been sowing seeds of growth for Pooka. Along the way we’ve also had many roadblocks, set backs and opportunities that didn’t produce what we hoped. BUT I see now that we are reaping a lot of the rewards from things that we thought were deadends or failed opportunities. I say all of this to say, SOW YOUR BUSINESS SEEDS. Make connections and don’t worry If you feel nothing comes out of it, In due time you’ll reap benefits. Gather knowledge, even though you don’t see how it might be helpful now, in due season you’ll reap benefits. Talk to people, listen, share and do what you can to help others and in due season you’ll reap the benefits. Do the hard work now and don’t give up and I believe in due season, YOUR season, you will see all the amazing results of the seeds you’ve sown! I am going to stay inspired and positive, be faithful and keep sowing, 2013 is going to outdo 2012, my season continues!
After 12 years in business I’ve realized that we have been sowing seeds all through our journey. By connecting with great people, exploring new opportunities, considering different viewpoints, acquiring knowledge, growing, changing, sharing and in many other ways, we’ve been sowing seeds of growth for Pooka. Along the way we’ve also had many roadblocks, set backs and opportunities that didn’t produce what we hoped. BUT I see now that we are reaping a lot of the rewards from things that we thought were deadends or failed opportunities. I say all of this to say, SOW YOUR BUSINESS SEEDS. Make connections and don’t worry If you feel nothing comes out of it, In due time you’ll reap benefits. Gather knowledge, even though you don’t see how it might be helpful now, in due season you’ll reap benefits. Talk to people, listen, share and do what you can to help others and in due season you’ll reap the benefits. Do the hard work now and don’t give up and I believe in due season, YOUR season, you will see all the amazing results of the seeds you’ve sown! I am going to stay inspired and positive, be faithful and keep sowing, 2013 is going to outdo 2012, my season continues!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Oh no he didn't!
Yesterday my kids and I were grocery shopping and of course they were playing around tagging each other and talking bad about each other ( what kids consider bad) when my youngest pointed to a gentleman who was overweight and said "Wow he's fat!" I of course told my son to " Be Quiet! You don't say things like that about people, it hurts their feelings!" I could hardly look at the guy when he passed by us, I was just hoping that he hadn't heard but by the look that he gave me, he could have shot me on the spot. My oldest then replied, "Well mom he is just telling the truth and you always say tell the truth!"( Yeah now you listen to me.) Then I had to explain again why you don't go around talking about peoples physical attributes, you want people to like you for who you are on the inside, not the outside. I explained to the kids that the man could be a great guy, great father, good friend we don't know. But what we do know is that we want people to like us for who we are not what we look like. My youngest then hugged me and said "But I love your fat tummy! Its so nice and soft and squishy, its one of the best parts of you!" Yes child you may feel that way but I don't, keep it to yourself!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Did you know…….
Greetings Family!
I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving celebration! We have all been through a lot these last few weeks…some more than others. We need to remember all that we do have and also all that we HAVE NOT lost compared to so many! In the spirit of giving just sharing some info as one does with their family. To quote my cousin Iesha…sharing is caring!!
-New book by Joyce Meyer-Battlefield of the Mind
-Thirty-six-year-old Sabir Muhammad of Southwest Atlanta was the first black professional swimmer to set an American record
-If you can’t drink 8 glasses of water every day then eat a cucumber….It’s 96% water!
-11% of people are left handed-Hi Dawn!!
-M&M's chocolate stands for the initials for its inventors Mars and Murrie
-Entrepreneur Suzanne de Passe is the first and only African-American woman to be nominated for an Academy Award for screen writing.
-90% of the world’s population kisses…..ah so sweet!
- In 1912, African-American Garrett Morgan invented the automatic traffic signal, which led to our present day traffic lights
-Did you know that people get so much extra sodium in their diet from bread! Check our labels before purchasing
-A young dancer took the stage of the Apollo Theater and at the last minute decided to sing instead of dance…her name was Ella Fitzgerald
-BET was the first African-American controlled company to sell shares on the New York Stock Exchange.
-Politician and educator Shirley Chisholm was the first African-American woman elected to Congress.
-African-American disc jockey Hal Jackson became the first radio personality to broadcast three daily shows on three different New York stations. He was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame in 1995.
-Never forget Trayvon Martin!!
Happy Thanksgiving Family!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Surviving Sandy
Morning Pooka Family! Hope this email finds you in good health and spirits! For many of us in the northeast, we are slowly getting back to normal after Mother Nature’s 1-2 punch of Sandy and the Nor’easter. My household lost power for 4 days but there are others who are still without power over in Queens and Staten Island. I know we here in the northeast are not used to hurricanes like this and compared to what they’ve experienced in New Orleans and the south it is marginal in comparison, nevertheless; it’s really been a wake up call to me. There are so many things we take for granted and so often we forget that Mother Nature is far more a greater force than man. I guess I’m writing this just to say that this has made me more humble, cognizant and appreciative of the blessings we have in life. It’s also given me a renewed focus on helping others and giving back to those who may be facing challenging times. Thank you Sandy, for the reminder…message received!
Me and Dawn volunteering in Jersey City! If you'd like to volunteer go to
Me and Dawn volunteering in Jersey City! If you'd like to volunteer go to
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Girls will be Girls!!
Morning Pooka Family!
As a mother of a 3 year old girl, I am learning quickly how we as woman develop our female relationships. Yesterday when I picked Taiye up from school she paused from eating her Goldfish and said, “Mommy, can I talk to you?” (I was amazed by that statement alone!). “Sure Baby” I said. She proceeded to tell me that Clara’s not her best friend anymore, she’s Maggie’s best friend. Of course, I was at a lost of words, I mean how do you start the conversation about female friendships to a 3 year old? I thought about this quickly then explained to her that I’m sure Clara is still your best friend. And Maggie is your friend and Abby. I told her that she will have a lot of friends in her life as she gets older and as long as Clara is nice to you and you are nice to her and everyone else is nice to you then they will continue to be your friend. In hindsight, I think my response was good but it just made me realize that these situations are going to start coming up quicker than I expected. As a mother I really need to be mindful that my response is positive, empathic and intelligent because the things I say now will be the foundation of what type of woman and friend she will grow up to be.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Pay Attention People!
Hi Pooka Family!!! This is a quick one!
Last week I checked my account and saw that a debit for $19.99 had been taken out. I called the bank and told them that it was something that I didn't authorize. They had me call the company that debited my account while they were on the line . As I spoke to the woman I told her that I never authorized that debit. She asked me If I knew two names, neither which I heard of, then she put me on hold. As I waited patiently, I planned my speech, I was thinking of all my points and things I wanted to say to get my little 19.99 back! As soon as she came back on the line, she said Miss Fitch, there has been some fraud with your card and we will credit you. The total credit will be $300.00!! What I hadn't realized was that this charge was on my credit card for over a year and a half!! (yup, that shows how little I pay attention to my account!) My card was cancelled and the money was refunded! People, keep a better eye on your account than I did!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Greetings family!!! I have been so absorbed by this upcoming election as I pray that all of you are. I feel like never before, are the ideals of the candidates so diverse. This is about getting healthcare for your Dad that has cancer. This is about creating jobs and growing the economy. This is about women’s rights. This is about your grandmother being able to afford her medication. This is about the art and music programs at your child’s school. This is about the future of the Supreme Court. This is about how much you pay in taxes. This is about immigration. This is about realizing that because you need some help to feed your family while working two jobs it doesn’t make you a victim! This is about getting Pell grants and loans so I can get a better education to get a better job. This is about knowing that I have paid into a system my entire working life so therefore it cannot possibly be called and ENTITLEMENT!!! This is about knowing that I will get equal pay the same as my male co-worker. This is about using my voice and my vote to effect change!! This is about knowing that it didn’t take four years to get into a mess already in progress and it won’t take four to get us out!! It is about realizing that my life depends on my vote………because it does!
Peace Family
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Support our President – Invest in America - Buy American
Good afternoon Pooka Family! At the time of reading this blog I hope you are in a positive frame of mind; enjoying the last days of summer; and preparing for what God has in store for you in these last 3 months of the year! I’m writing this blog on the day after the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention. Unfortunately, I was not able to watch the entire convention each night (Taiye insisted on watching Dora) but I did catch-up on it via the internet. I am so proud of the job this administration is doing and I feel empowered to do whatever I can to support it! And that includes financially as well. Not only by making another contribution to the Obama campaign (which I will do as soon as I complete this blog) but also by buying American! Normally, I am known to be a frugalista so I will look at price first before making a purchase and not even look at whether or not the item is made or manufactured in the U.S.A. But last month I received an email from my Uncle in Atlanta entitled, “Time for a Change”. After reading that email I was determined to buy American for at least 1 month. I wonder how much impact that will have on the U.S. economy, U.S. workers, and U.S. businesses? Probably not much from 1 person so I forwarded the email to my sisters and we have committed to buying American made products for 1 month. So will you join us? Support our President, support our workers, and support our country by buying American.
Below is the original email my Uncle forwarded to me. Also, next month, Donna suggested that we try buying Black for 1 month! We can do it Pooka Family! It takes 7 days to form a habit so if we can continue this habit 30 days and beyond we can make a huge impact to putting U.S. businesses back in the forefront!
Did y'all see Diane Sawyer's special report? They removed ALL items from a typical, middle class family's home that were not made in the USA. There was hardly anything left besides the kitchen sink. Literally. During the special they showed truckloads of items - USA made - being brought in to replace everything and talked about how to find these items and the difference in price etc.
It was interesting that Diane said if every American spent just $64 more than normal on USA made items this year, it would create something like 200,000 new jobs!
Are we Americans as dumb as we appear --- or --- is it that we just do not think? The Chinese, knowingly and intentionally, export inferior and even toxic products and dangerous toys and goods to be sold in American markets.
70% of Americans,.. believe that the trading privileges afforded to the Chinese should be suspended.
Why do you need the government to suspend trading privileges? You Can..DO IT YOURSELF, AMERICA !!
Simply look on the bottom of every product you buy, and if it says 'Made in China ' or 'PRC' (and that now includes Hong Kong), simply choose another product, or none at all. You will be amazed at how dependent you are on Chinese products, and you will be
equally amazed at what you can do without.
Who needs plastic eggs to celebrate Easter? If you must have eggs, use real ones and benefit some American farmer. Easter is just an example. The point is do not wait for the government to act. Just go ahead and assume control on your own.
THINK ABOUT THIS: If 200 million Americans each refuse to buy just $20 of Chinese goods, that's a billion dollar trade imbalance resolved in our!!
Most of the people who have been reading about this matter are planning on implementing this on Sept. 1st and continue it until Oct. 1st. That is only one month of trading losses, but it will hit the Chinese for 1/12th of the total, or 8%, of their American exports. Then they might have to ask themselves if the benefits of their arrogance and lawlessness were worth it.
Remember, Sept. 1st to October 1st!
Send this to everybody you know. Let's show them that we are Americans and NOBODY can take
us for granted.
If we can't live without cheap Chinese goods for one month out of our lives, WE DESERVE WHAT WE GET!
Pass it on, America
Well, come to think of it, instead of doing it for just 1 month why not try to do it all the time.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Open letter to the president
Dear President Barack Obama,
I just want to say that the Democratic Convention was awesome! The entertainment was on point with Mary J. Blige, Bruce Springsteen (Yeah America!)Among many others!And all of the speakers were great, Michelle, Bill and yourself included. But I couldn't help but to be a bit ticked because I had tickets and they were cancelled on us! Yes they had to move the convention to a smaller venue,because of a tornado/twister/end of the world storm coming. And yes there was a storm that night, and it poured, thunder and lighting but doggone it I wanted to go! I watched at home on T.V. (Weather was bad) and all I saw was bright happy faces, laughing,crying,sharing in the words that were being poured over them like honey. I watched with disgusting fascination what people were wearing in the audience (why did she wear that?)Or who they were with(really? Who let that person in?)But it didn't really make me feel any better because they were there and I was at home looking in. I say all of this to say,YOU have to win this for all of the people who couldn't make it there! We want to celebrate with you in person!
P.S. Or a new job with great benefits would be nice ;)
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Another "AHA" moment!
It all started when I was doing yoga and noticed a book under my bed, called Organizing from the Inside Out. I had bought this book years ago because of my desire to become a more organized person. The irony is I had never read it because I...‘misplaced” it! Misplacing a book on organization lets you know you really need to get organized! My lack of organization has always been an annoyance to me but starting a business has really put a spotlight on this missing skill. It was really starting to bother me. I couldn’t find anything. I was always missing bills, tickets, important papers.
Since I found the book I started to read it. The book said to look for underlying reasons for your lack of organization and that every person even highly unorganized people have at least one tiny thing thats organized and they are proud of? Something that has a place and can always be found. It came to me instantly, My scissors! No matter what they go in a specific drawer and I ALWAYS put them back in the same space. In a weird way, I am always proud that I can always find them! Another thing that they said is that people have certain things organized because they like the container or that they like how the items are displayed, the aesthetic factor. When I thought again the only other 2 things that are organized in my house are, 1. My new earrings, because I made a great holder for them so I love hanging them up and now I always know where my earrings are. The 2nd are my clothes in the closet, just recently my mother told me to organize my clothes in my closet by color and I LOVE THIS, my closet has stayed neater not because I love my clothes neat but because I love how the blocks of color look in my closet! Oh the joy!
Later in the day I was speaking to my mother and telling her about my new organizational discoveries and she, as usual, gushed about how happy she was about my figuring something out, LOL! Aways proud of me, even at this age! I went on and on about the book and about the underlying issues to being unorganized and then my mother put the “AHA” icing on my cake! She told me that, as a parent, that was something that she struggled with, with me in my youth. She would tell me where to put things and how to straighten things and it just never caught on! She layed out clothes and I wanted to wear something else, she put things here and I wanted them to go there, she said red and I said, “why not purple?” She never had that problem with my siblings Donna and Douglas, they were sticklers for the rules >:( but me? not so much! She then told me that she had actually taken a course on parenting to better understand me!!!! WOW!!! So sloppy that I put my mother in therapy, LOL!! I was amazed! Now my mother had always been in education and went back to school for classes in early childhood behavior, so when this class and my lack of organization presented itself she took advantage. She said that the teacher told her that the things she wanted me to do were a priority for her not me and until I decided things were a priority for me they wouldnt change. How could I not have known this pertinent life information, now my mother said she had told me this before, but I guess because it was’nt a priority for me, I chose not to remember LOL! This is where things began to come into focus and the AHA moment of a lifetime started to roll out. My mother and I dove into a conversation about me and this PRIORITY thing!
to be continued........
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Goodbye Roid!
Greetings Family!!
I have missed you! I have been out of commission for a few weeks. I think you all remember the issues I have experienced as a result of fibroids or roids as Dawn has come to call them! I had surgery in the past but as most roid sufferers know....they in most cases grow back. I procrastinated for sometime and just accepted not feeling well. I experienced pain and bloating, cramps and just a lot of discomfort during my cycle. In addition though I was fatigued and often had breathing issues not realizing it was related to fibroids! I finally went ahead an had a very large Roid removed. God is good family!! When the doctor opened me she said she didn't know how I was walking, breathing and was able to function as long as I did! The Roid had spread everywhere pushing the organs up into my chest which was why I had breathing difficulty. It also had pushed into my bladder as well. The fibroid weighed five pounds in total! Five pounds! Every time I think about that I am thankful for Gods grace family! I am still recovering but almost there! I am lighter, can breath better and have my bikini stomach ready for the beach! So to all my fibroid sisters I am speaking to you. Please don't ignore what your body tells you and please don't think that it is the norm to suffer. Talk to your doctor about the options available to you. There are holistic options, there are different surgery methods available-myomectomy, laparoscopic surgery or even hysterectomy. Research and discuss what is best for you and your body because you don't have to live with the discomfort any longer! Just sharing and hope this helps someone! Now I have no excuse to get back to great physical health. Hmm I wonder if I can sign up for the next summer Olympics!
Peace Family
Thursday, August 2, 2012
My Biggest Mistake
Morning Pooka Family! Hope everyone is enjoying the dog days of summer…whoohoo! So, I have made the biggest mistake of my life as a mother! Taiye’s hair!!!! She has the most beautiful, thick, curly, tangle hair! I mean, when it comes to beautiful natural hair, Taiye can rock any style. It looks so cute in a bun or in two afro puffs, twists or braids. But what did I do… I let her rock those afro puffs for too long and now it is tangled and matted! I’ve tried everything to get her hair untangled but nothing is working!! HELP!!!!! And yes, she is tender-headed so it hurts her which in turn hurts me! I started trying to untangle her hair one night and at 1 AM we were still at it! Then I tried again one Sunday morning and 2 hours later, I had only gotten thru 1/8 of a section! This is my crux…I have to get it untangled. Then came my “aha” moment from Auntie Dawn….don’t try to do everything all at once. Just do a little at a time every day. This way it won’t hurt her as much. So this week every night before we go to bed, we will sit on the bed, watch Super Why and Dinosaur Train and take one section and try and untangle her hair. Pray for me family! Hopefully I will be able to get a comb thru it by September!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Changes I CAN SEE!!!
Well Pooka family, this marks an historical month for me! This month for the first time in 10 years, I officially have HEALTH CARE! I am overjoyed. For the last 10 years, since I’ve been an entrepreneur and left corporate america, I’ve been uninsured and by the Grace of GOD, I haven’t had to have a surgery. Being an entrepreneur obtaining health Insurance is expensive and hard and for me, since I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 7 years ago, I have the double wammy. Even If I could afford health care, no companies would give me insurance because of my Pre-Existing condition. I have been paying close attention to the Health Care debates going on in Washington and I am so PROUD and GRATEFUL to my president for fighting to get me coverage! Yes I say “Me” because this is personal. Sometimes we don’t see how policies in Washington directly impact us. In this case, I have directly benefited from this groundbreaking healthcare decision, the Pre-existing condition plan and I am so glad that our President fought for it. This will change a lot for our country, with this healthcare bill, If you have a pre-existing condition you can get health care and If you have children they can now stay on your policy until they are 27, that is HUGE and will offer so many more americans the opportunity to have health care, which I feel is a RIGHT not a PRIVILEGE!!
THANK YOU PRESIDENT OBAMA, Dawn Fitch is officially covered!!
ps tomorrow I’m going to the podiatrist, gynecologist, optometrist, neurologist even a meteorologist(i know to know if my internal weather system is working!) and any other “gist” thats in my insurance handbook, LOL!!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
My Raggedy Ann Lesson!!
Well folks you know I always have a “story”. So this weekend I went to visit my cousin and spend some time with the family. As always we had a great time friday and saturday and then came.....what we now call the “Raggedy Ann” Incident!! I got up on Sunday and was preparing for my cousins BBQ and while curling my hair, my hand slipped and my curling iron dropped ON MY FACE!! I was mortified and in pain! It happened so quick and it barely touched my cheek. I quickly applied some lavender essential oil so that it wouldnt blister. I couldn’t believe I had done that and as the day went by it got darker and darker, when I woke up the next morning I walked past a mirror and just screamed! I had a complete round circle scar on my cheek, now I’m not talking about a little dot, I’m talking about a quarter sized, dark mark! I just didn’t know what to do, I didn’t want to go outside but I had so much to do. I tried putting on make up but the mark just sucked it up! I went to Pooka and they tried to make me feel better by telling me that it like “cute” like raggedy ann!! They even suggested I mark the other cheek to match! I was so annoyed all day and so self concious but then I started thinking about people with real scars or who have been disfigured and what they go through every day or those who have been really burned and the pain that they had to suffer, instantly I became very aware of how blessed I am. Sometimes it takes something small to appreciate all that we take for granted, so as I wait for my Raggedy Ann cheek to heal I will not complain, I’ll just grin and bear it! Lesson Learned!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Jackson 4 or Snore!
Hey Pooka Family!
I just really have a poll question this week! I saw in the news today that the Michael Jackson's brothers (minus Randy, Hum?) are going on a reunion tour this summer.While we all loved the Jackson 5 and Michael Jackson, I saw a short clip of them saying how much Michael's spirit is with them sounded a little desperate to me. I asked my mom would she go and see them and she said NO, They look tired.......and why are they all wearing Ray Charles shades? What do you think?
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Out of the Mouth of Babies

Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Scout Dawn!
Hi Pooka Family!!!
This weekend I was asked to be a Keynote speaker for the Girl Scouts! I was quite honored and began working on my speech, “What am I going to say to motivate these young ladies, how can I share some inspiration?!” Well let me tell you, when I got there and met them, the tables turned! They motivated and inspired me! The girls were receiving the Girl Scout Gold Award, which is the highest award given by the Girl Scouts. In order to receive the award each girl scout has to choose an issue thats important to them and investigate and research everything about that issue. Then they have to get help and support from others and create a plan to achieve a measurable impact. Once they present their plan to the GScout council, they have to take action and carry out the plan, educate and inspire others and share the experience. This is no weekend report, these young ladies work on their projects for 2-3 years! I also learned that A Girl Scout who has earned her Gold Award immediately rises one rank in any of the U.S. military branches. The projects these young ladies presented were amazing and I realized that these were our future leaders and innovators!
When the time came, they announced me and I gave my Pooka speech and it was well received. They were happy to learn about Pooka and our story and congratulated me on the success. After my speech, I had my “AHA” teary -eyed moment, when one of the African American Girl scouts approached me and said, “Can I have a picture? because when I see you I see me?” OMG, why must you make me cry little Girl Scout!!! I was so proud and I think she was too! We have to remember our young ladies need to see us doing all of the positive things that we do! We are all role models and at that moment I was so glad that I was there for her to see!
During my speech, they were laughing and clapping for me and I got so caught up in the moment that I announced to the entire group that I was going to become...... a Girl Scout!!!! Now, when we were young, Donna and I were brownies, no pun intended, but then we........dropped out. So although I may be the biggest girl in the Girl Scouts Daisy troop, I don’t care, I’m gonna do it!!! And If you come to the Pooka boutique and I’m trying to make a fire or tie some knots, just nod your head and keep it moving, Scout Dawn is on the move!

Monday, May 21, 2012
I’m back!!!
Well Pooka family, yup, I’m back and still trying to get a few more minutes of my 15 minutes of fame, LOL!! This week is the Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Summit and because of my social media endeavors and March Cover, I’ve been invited to speak. I’m very excited and looking forward to making lots of connections. I plan to not only speak but learn as much as I can. The fun part is April is going to fly in from NC and join me at the conference so we are going to have a great time! I’m looking forward to meeting Daymond John, who knows you might see Pooka on Shark Tank! Michael Baisden, will also be speaking and he’s been such a great friend to Pooka so I’m looking forward to chatting with him too! All in all, I’m just excited about this opportunity and know that GOD is guiding my path! So stay tuned and see what HE does next! You know I’m going to blog and video and post about it all weekend long, so stay tuned!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
With age comes political activism?
Morning Pooka Family! Hope everyone is enjoying the April showers of this spring season as we prepare for the summer! You know….I’ve always been a socially conscience person. Many of us are if you’re a part of our generation (born in mid to late 60’s). Our parents were first hand recipients of the civil rights movement so as a result we were taught of the inequities in our society and how we had to support other Black people, businesses and leaders. And although that was a part of my upbringing and I knew what I had to do (or was supposed to do) I didn’t always have the money or the time to support our Black programs, leaders or organizations. Now as I get older, I find myself making the time to do these things. So when an email or post comes into my inbox, instead of marking it as a follow-up item, I take the time to read it now and act upon it like the petitions for Trayvon Martin, rescinding the Shoot first laws, and even Michael Baisden’s petition to stay on the New York airwaves. And even the numerous emails I get from the Obama campaign…if we really want him to continue as our President for another term then we have to contribute to his campaign because it is very naïve of us to think that he’s going to be able to stay in office without our financial contributions and our going to the polls to vote. And even the We need to financially support the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee if we want to ensure that the Democratic’s control the house to help President Obama’s reforms get enacted. Like I said family, I know this in my head, now I am showing in my actions. I hope you will too!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
If you got it.................
Recently I read an article in an online magazine about celebrity women in their 40's dressing too young for their age. What exactly does that mean I thought. I read about how Jada Pinkett Smith should give her daughter back her jeans,and I'm staring at the picture and really, Willow could be wearing her mother's jeans they were the same size! Is it Jada fault she's not fat and out of shape? NO! And how about Madonna? Yes the material girl is in her 50's but dog gone it, her body looks good! Should she just cover it up because of a number? NO! And how about Mariah Carey?............ Ok, I'll give you Mariah but its not because of her age, she just can't dress. I've seen lots of women in their 20 who don't look half as good as a woman in her 40's. Why is it that some people think its okay to dress a certain way because of your age but not because of what your body looks like? What are women in there 40's supposed to be wearing mumus?!! Get out of here! I'm gonna work it till the wheels fall off! Or at least untill my knees are too wrinkly to be seen! But then again at that point I probably won't care!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Pooka Boutique Events! Love Light & Literature! with @sadeqasays
We had a relaxing saturday at the Pooka Boutique! Sadeqa Johnson taught us the art of meditation. Ohmmmm..............
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON! JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON MARTIN! Keep in prayer, keep vigilant, keep positive, keep your voice, keep the pressure on! This journey is just beginning. Hoodies up Pooka family!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Saturday, March 31, 2012
We need your help! @indiebusiness
Hey Pookalitas! It's the weekend, and I am so ready, but before I
go, I want to help you end your week with a little small business
inspiration -- and a request to help Donna Maria Coles Johnson,
a women's entrepreneurial coach and my own mentor,
by leaving a quick comment at her video blog post meeting
with the editor-at-large of Black Enterprise Magazine!
The deadline is March 31 (tomorrow), so please comment short
and sweet!
If she gets enough comments on her blog post, she will win a trip to
the Black Enterprise Entrepreneur's Conference where I'll be speaking.
So, could you swing by her blog today and watch
a bit of the video and leav a comment? Please? Pretty please?
Not only it is a great blog post and video, but if she wins,
I get to hang out with her in Chicago in May. Selfish, I know.
OK, so ready, set, GO Post!
go, I want to help you end your week with a little small business
inspiration -- and a request to help Donna Maria Coles Johnson,
a women's entrepreneurial coach and my own mentor,
by leaving a quick comment at her video blog post meeting
with the editor-at-large of Black Enterprise Magazine!
The deadline is March 31 (tomorrow), so please comment short
and sweet!
If she gets enough comments on her blog post, she will win a trip to
the Black Enterprise Entrepreneur's Conference where I'll be speaking.
So, could you swing by her blog today and watch
a bit of the video and leav a comment? Please? Pretty please?
Not only it is a great blog post and video, but if she wins,
I get to hang out with her in Chicago in May. Selfish, I know.
OK, so ready, set, GO Post!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Farewell to a great month with @blackenterprise #31daysonbe
So here are 10 very simple things that have been reinforced this month......
2. Perserverance pays off.
3. You will meet many people in your business endeavors, respect others and have a good attitude, how you treat people comes back to you.
4. @blackenterprise Rocks!
5. Prayer works!
7. Blue suede shoes have power, LOL!
8. Say Thank You.
9. Be open to your blessings.
As I retire my fabulous blue suede pumps and reflect on this amazing month, all I can say is THANK YOU! The blessings, well wishes, congragtulations, hugs, prayers, kisses, celebrations and gifts that I’ve received this month have been overwhelming. I AM BLESSED to have loving supportive people in my life! GOD is GOOD!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Our @blackenterprise NY Cover Party Pics! #31daysonbe
To say that we had a great time would be an understatement! Our NY celebration was Friday night at Katra Lounge. So many people came out to support, celebrate and Par-tay! This month just keeps getting better and better and I’ve still got one week left I rest cause tomorrow, I’m sure THERE’s More! #31daysonbe
Thursday, March 22, 2012
My @blackenterprise Invitation from the President!! #31daysonbe!
I am truly honored on this day of my #31daysonbe! I received this invitation from the president of Black Enterprise! I will be a panelist for the Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference and Expo! Chicago, HERE I COME!!!!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
My @blackenterprise Radio Tour #31daysonbe

Well the month is flying by, I can't believe we're at Day 18 on the #31daysonbe journey. I have been able to experience so many things and meet so many people. And just like every other day, Day 18 was filled with blessings......
This week was my radio tour! It was a short tour but a great one, LOL! Friday night we had the honor of being on 900AM WURD philly radio! It was a great interview by Dr. Richard M. Cooper. It was easy, comfortable interview and I felt like I was talking to an old friend! I was so happy to be able to spread the Pooka love in Philly! We even talked about having Philly Day at the Pooka Boutique so stay tuned!
Part 2 of the tour was on 98.7 KissFM, we were blessed to be on the The Toya Beasely show! She was wonderful and was so helpful in helping us spread the word to the tri-state area. It was so much fun, what a great experience to be at the radio station and see how the broadcast is done! Toya blessed us and let us tell our story, Donna went with me and Toya made sure she got on the mic too(that's radio talk, people!)
Now its Sunday night and my radio tour has come to an end...for now! Days 17 and 18 are topping the charts of #31daysonbe! Lots to come, so....stay tuned! (in my best radio dj voice!)
Part 2 of the tour was on 98.7 KissFM, we were blessed to be on the The Toya Beasely show! She was wonderful and was so helpful in helping us spread the word to the tri-state area. It was so much fun, what a great experience to be at the radio station and see how the broadcast is done! Toya blessed us and let us tell our story, Donna went with me and Toya made sure she got on the mic too(that's radio talk, people!)
Now its Sunday night and my radio tour has come to an end...for now! Days 17 and 18 are topping the charts of #31daysonbe! Lots to come, so....stay tuned! (in my best radio dj voice!)
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Guess what we got?! #31daysonbe

I like to call this day, Gift Day!!! This was a great day! First we got a surprise visit from our Pooka Tech Crew and they brought a beautiful cake with a picture of...Yup, that cover!
It was a really nice treat in the day! Then the postman dropped by with a great gift fromExecutees! Awesome company, they actually did the shirts for Oprahs 25th Anniversary celebration and were thoughtful enough to send each pookalita a congratulatory shirt!!
Gift Day was definitely a good one, how am I ever going to go back to being me next month, LOL!!!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
My next Magazine Cover!!! #31daysonBE
This month is going great! Today, I was in the boutique working and the door opens and in runs about 12 kids! They just run towards the counter, I’m thinking, “Is this a flash mob? LOL!”. So I start screaming, “Hey, hey whats going on guys?” One young lady steps up and says, “You spoke at our career day at Park Avenue School and we wanted to say, hi!!” I was blown away, what a nice start to the day. They also said that I told them that they could start their own businesses too. I was touched. This is what it’s all about, our youth! What was funny was they saw the cover of the Black Enterprise and one young lady says, “That’s nice but what other covers are you on?!” Wow, that brought me back to earth LOL!! It did make me think about what other covers I’d like to be on one day... so here’s my list and remember you need to put a LOL at the end of each one!.
1. Vogue -hmmm I could represent the new generation of “older, seasoned” supermodels
2. In Style - I'm more than fashionable enough(some days.....)
3. Travel & Leisure - Fresh back from #IndieCruise, surely, I qualify
4. Bon Appetit - I eat enough ...
5. Success - I'm successful, right? I'm on a magazine cover after all ...
6. Spa - I sell spa products, therefore, I'm in!
7. People - I'm a person
8. Real Simple - I love the magazine and this is what I would love my life to be, real simple!
9. Essence - I'm an African American woman so I qualify!
10. Self Magazine - I take good care of myself, as evidenced by the level of success I have achieved despite a health issue. I am thankful.
So, what do you think? What magazine covers would you like to be on?
Students from Park Avenue School, East Orange, NJ!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
5 cool people in March @blackenterprise #31daysonbe

Well I don’t even know what day it is anymore, LOL! Today was good! Yesterday I was on Michael Baisden and just in case you missed it he’s going to play it again today. We had a contest on Facebook to see how many times I said Pooka on the air but it was a quick interview so the answer :-(
Great news we found a great place for our Black Enterprise NY Cover Party! Save the date, March 23 at Katra Lounge, NYC more details to come.
Things have been busy and the website orders have been good, so its perfect timing that today we hired a full time production manager #excited!
Lastly, as usual while stalking newsstands to see if I’m still on there I decided to actually read from cover to cover since I was standing there hoping to be noticed and 5 people stood out to me in this months issue:
Todd Pemberton! He’s doing amazing things through his company Bugs are Gone! @BugsAreGone His motto, “Everyone deserves a second chance!”
@MarioArmstrong A digital lifestlye expert! Inspires and educates people on how to use technology to change your life and business!
Sree Sreenivasan @sree Great insight into small businesses and social media!
“small businesses have a rare opportunity to play on the same field as the big names, thanks to social media”
Techy Marcia Wade Talbert @thetechgyrl Gives a small business a hardware makeover! Great hardware reccommendations for your brick and mortar! Where do I sign up?!
Sakina Spruell @keepingitrich Shows you have to build wealth for life! I need to read this at least 6 times, LOL!
Stay tuned tomorrow for more great news!
Stay tuned tomorrow for more great news!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
How @blackenterprise got us on The Michael Baisden show today! #31daysonBE

Morning Pooka family! I am up and ready for another great #31daysonBE! I think its going to be a good one! Today we’re sending press releases and products to everyone from Michelle Obama to Joel Osteen!
We received an email after Black Enterprise from the Michael Baisden show, so today we’re going on air! We have been on the show before and one thing I can say about Micahel Baisden is he is very supportive of Black Busineses! He heard about us years ago and reached out to us! We’ve made sure to keep the lines of communication open!
Since the 1st day of contact, I’ve made sure to join MB’s Mingle City social network
and keep him posted on what we’re up to! I tweet him @baisdenlive, I’m on his Fanpage, I guess you can say we’re business stalkers, LOL.
Make sure to catch us on the show today from 3-7pm!
Lets have some fun, count the number of times I say Pooka on the air today and post it on the the Pooka fanpage! I’ll send some Pooka to the first correct person to post!! Start Counting!!!
Lets have some fun, count the number of times I say Pooka on the air today and post it on the the Pooka fanpage! I’ll send some Pooka to the first correct person to post!! Start Counting!!!
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