Tuesday, March 6, 2012

You don't know about @blackenterprise?? Let me tell you! #31daysonbe

Well it’s official I’ve been all over my town and probably yours swiping copies of Black Enterprise! I went to a small newsstand and asked for their copies and do you know what they said? “What’s Black Enterprise? Never heard of it!!!” Are you kidding me!!

  1. Black Enterprise has over 527,655 million readers!
  2. Black Enterprise is 42 years old!
  3. The very 1st cover subject was Mississippi Mayor Charles Evers He was an example of the ingenuity and determination needed to run black-owned businesses such as the Medgar Evers Shopping Center, named in honor of his late brother, a prominent civil rights leader slain by an assassin in 1963.
  4. Black Enterprise magazine got President Barack Obamas’ first print interview
    1. BE is a social butterfly!
  5. BE has an active FaceBook Page with 43,000 fans and growing! It's a super place to connect with like minded business owners. Check it ou here https://www.facebook.com/BLACKENTERPRISE
  6. Alfred Edmond Jr. is the Sr.VP/Editor-at-Large and one super guy to follow on Twitter. He Tweets interesting stuff about business, along with motivational messages that are sure to inspire you to new heights. Follow him here! @AlfredEdmundjr. (His Twitter bio says he's "superhuman" too, so call him on that one! :)
  7. Black Enterprise will host the Black Entrepreneur's Conference & Expo this coming May in Chicago. Get more information here http://www.blackenterprise.com/events/entrepreneurs-conference/ec-registration/. Be sure to check the site regularly for other events hosted by the magazine. They offer some great stuff, including an annual Golf & Tennis Challenge.
  8. Black Enterprise has it's own iPad app! That's right, it features their exclusive Wealth for Life content to help you gain financial security, advance in your career, or be your own boss. Get the complete issue of the magazine plus streaming video, slideshows, and much more in an interactive experience. Download it on iTunes here http://itunes.apple.com/ie/app/black-enterprise-wealth-for/id385822656?mt=8#
  9. Well, I came up with 9, so now it's your turn. What did I miss? What do you know and love about Black Enterprise Magazine? Share your favorite things about this amazing publication, so we can make sure we check it out!
Now next time I drop by that newsstand he better know, LOL!! As for me this was a great day again! I was contacted by 2 radio-dj's for possible interviews and I'll be on Michael Baisden on Wed, so tune in!!!

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