Friday, February 13, 2015

Love and You

Ok so recently I've been on a reading kick this new year. It's all about improving myself and right now I'm reading The Game of Life and how to play it by Florence Schovel Shinn. Now this book has been around since 1925 and people are still reading it and applying it to their situations today! Ms. Shinn was a pioneer in motivational/inspirational/spiritual thinking. The object in the game if life is to see clearly ones good and to obliterate ALL mental pictures of evil. Sound easy right? Nope its a daily, minute by minute, second by second struggle! You never really think about all of the negative things you think about until you start thinking about them. I mean more than half of your day's thoughts are negative, about yourself, other people, your job, etc! People say I'm positive but I
realized I'm definitely not as positive as I can be.  Its full time work trying to be positive ALL the time. One thing Ms. Shinn says is to send out love, goodwill and blessings to EVERYONE you come in contact with which means people you like and people you don't. Even people in your past. People you want to have better relationships with etc. So I set out to look at every person I see and think: I salute the Divinity in you, Love, Goodwill and blessing to you. This was hard work! I had to keep remembering what to say, as I looked at every person BUT I could tell that even the people I was not very fond of were nice to me! Strangers went out of their way to be nice and I had a great day! Try it for yourself, and you just might end up with a new frame of mind!

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