Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy Days are here Again!!!

Well the summer is over,the air has turned crisp, the kids are back in school and now its time to get back on my second job again. Class mother! Yes its time to sell, sell, sell, cookies, candy, wrapping paper and everything else that the P.T.A. is pushing. Its time for class pictures, making lunch (I don't like lunch meat!) and lots of HOMEWORK!!!!! Are you smarter than a third grader? Yeah you think you are? Well try doing math (the new crazy math), spelling, writing, and reading every night! I am doing homework every night for at least three hours! Screaming every morning for everyone to get up, rushing around getting kids dressed, fed, packed up and on the bus with me running behind it because Will forgot his glasses. Fighting with Wes because he doesn't want to go to school today (this of course is everyday). Racing to drop Wes and the neighbor's kid off to school and this is all before 9am! Then I get to rest, (go to work)only to start the process all over again, picking kids up, running to the bus stop, making dinner, doing homework, giving people baths, reading stories, putting them to bed, putting them back to bed when they get out again. Where did the summer go, when all I had to do was wake them up and put shorts and a t-shirt on them?

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